What a Difference a Day Makes…Port Jefferson Harbor

After getting beat up the first day of the trip, we had a relatively calm ride into New York landing in Port Jefferson Harbor in the early afternoon. We rose at the crack of dawn, but it was well worth the search for my sweatshirt as our first sunrise was spectacular.

Port Jeff was buzzing with boaters and crowds of people were enjoying Sunday Funday. Danford’s Marina had numerous yachts which dwarfed our Bella Donna, but once we settled into our mooring, cold drink in hand after the long ride, we couldn’t have been happier on our floating abode.

One of the realizations we had today is that I have no patience for driving…or steering I should say. Hopefully in the next 5,917 miles my skills will improve and I’ll stop looking like a drunk snake slithering along the water. According to Captain Duane, I am very detrimental to our our fuel consumption.

Another realization was that I have little or no concept of how to read the radars. To my defense one tracks us north and the other south so trying to follow the navigation line is tricky, even with two good eyes. Nice trying to confuse a girl at 5:30 in the morning. The little yellow blobs remind me of an old Atari game. But, all I have to remember is that as long as none of the blobs invade our circle, I’m all good.

To our delight, we had great friends who I had known my whole life come to the marina to see us before we departed. Linda, Lauren and her daughter Katie waited for us to take the water taxi ashore and we all walked down the waterfront. After treating us to a delicious dinner (which Duane appreciated since I’ll be making cold cut sandwiches the next few days) and handing us a bottle of champagne, they wished us well on the rest of the journey.

Next stop….New York City!!